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  • Writer's pictureKrista Moon

Rest In the Finished Work

Resurrection Sunday {Easter} is coming up this weekend, and of course, it has everyone thinking about the crucifixion and Jesus being raised from the dead on the third day. I love to focus on what He finished.

Jesus defeated any and everything that we could ever go through in life.

Sickness, lack, poverty. Anything that will keep us from living a fully abundant life, Jesus took care of it on the cross. Get into the word of God and find out what our covenant says we are redeemed from- then start believing and expecting it. This should be in our hearts and minds all the time, not just at Easter. It needs to be a way of thinking. So if something comes up that needs to be dealt with, it can be done in a state of peace and not panic, because it's already been taken care of.

Rest in the finished work of the cross.

Take advantage of my free bible study guide to help you learn about your covenant. If you have any questions or would like some extra guidance on growing your faith, get in touch with me, I want to help.

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